DESCRIPTION Giving project will contribute to the field of vaccinology by isolating, structurally analysing, and evaluating the immunological properties of LPS and CPS from gut microbiota bacteria selected among...
Artificial Intelligence-aided design of cannabinoid receptor subtype 2 (CB2) multitarget ligands: a new strategy for the treatment of inflammation (AID-CARE) DESCRIPTION Cannabinoid receptor subtype 2 (CB2R) is part of...
DESCRIZIONE PROGETTO: A wide variability was observed among FH patients, only partially due to the different genetic status (no variant, HeFH or HoFH) and clinical management of FH patients...
DESCRIZIONE PROGETTO: Coniugare innovazione e tradizione di alcuni prodotti da forno (arancini, snack, pane e farine) trasformandoli in alimenti ad azione nutraceutico-funzionale senza, tuttavia, comprometterne le proprietà sensoriali. Obiettivo...
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is increasing the prices not only of energy but also of cereals, with severe consequences on the agro-food sector. During the time, Italy...
“Molecular integration, interaction and reconstruction of biosynthetic pathway of polyketide synthase from photosynthetic organisms” is a competitive Research Project funded with PNRR-PRIN funds (2023-2025). The objective of the project...
The research plan of the present project is structured to i) define the effects of Endocannabinoids (eCBs) alone or in combination with Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators (SPMs) on gastrointestinal (GI)...
Abstract The INCIPIT project (Grant Agreement n. 665403) is an international doctorate programme cofunded by eight CNR Institutes (ICB, IGB, IAC, IBP, IBB, ICAR, IEOS, IPCB) and the European...
Obiettivo The high-level goal of BioRECO2VER is to demonstrate the technical feasibility of more energy efficient and sustainable non-photosynthetic anaerobic and micro-aerobic biotechnological processes for the capture and conversion...
“Community Days” are open events designed in the frame of the H2020 DIH-World project to facilitate knowledge dissemination and networking among local Innovation players of all Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) involved...