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MEDIVIS was born from an idea: to use the molecules already present in the human body as therapeutic means in ophthalmology. The therapeutic potential of molecules such as hyaluronic acid, hydrocortisone, omega 3 fatty acids, hypochlorous acid and iodopovidone were thus developed. Today these molecules are commonly used in ophthalmological clinical practice.

Collaboration with the ICB in the research aimed at the development and formulation of new preparations in the ophthalmic field.

MEDIVIS specializes in the discovery and development of new ophthalmic drug deliveries, it is among the first companies in the world for the number of patents filed in the last 10 years. Medivis is the first company in the world to have patented a series of ophthalmic formulations for the preparation of the ocular surface for all eye surgery.

Via Carnazza, 34/c
95030 – Tremestieri Etneo (CT) – Italy

Tel.: (+39) 095 7229110
Fax.: (+39) 095 7229111

website: https://medivis.it/