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STAFFTechnical and administrative ICB

Alfonso Amatore

Technical assistant

Alfonso Amatore

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








   (+39) 081 8675486 – Cell. (+39) 336680123 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Emanuela Gigliola Azara

Technical assistant

Emanuela Gigliola Azara

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








  PEC: e.azara@pec.it

   (+39) 072841215 – (+39)3464140427 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Salvatore Barbera


Salvatore Barbera

Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

Salvatore Barbera graduated in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (classification number SNT3 of the course in Technical Health Sciences) at the Faculty of Medicine of Catania University on 25 October 2005 (grade, 110/110 cum laude), with a dissertation entitled “Assessment of the state of drug addiction from hair matrices. Evaluation of the risk of false positive after external cocaine contamination “

Since 1997 he has attended both the Forensic Toxicology Laboratories and the Forensic Hemogenetics Laboratory as voluntary theoretical-practical internships with the aim to acquire specific expertise on techniques concerning the DNA extraction and purification, methods of investigation to the recognition/disavowal of paternity and for personal identification, genetic diagnosis of both blood and sperm; techniques concerning the histological sampling, extraction techniques (acid digestion, direct solvent extraction, and solid phase extraction) from both biological matrices (viscera, biological liquids, hair matrices) and non-biological.

He has also acquired expertise on both gas- and liquid-chromatographic techniques such as GC(-FID, -ECD, -NPD), GC-MS, HPLC and TLC but, also on spectrophotometric analytical techniques.

In December 2016 he joint to the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, branch of Catania, as an administrative assistant and since 2019 to date he has been in charge as ICB Administrative Manager for the branch of Catania.

Skills Extraction from biological matrices
Extraction from the intestines
Extraction from hair matrices Publications
  • Barbera N., Barbera S., Lombardo I., Sgarlata M., Romano G. (2000) “Determinazione dei cannabinoidi nei capelli: contaminazione esterna e rischio di falsi positivi”. Rivista Italiana di Medicina Legale, 22 (4-5):1039-1056.

  • Cartia G., Romano G., Barbera N., Barbera S., Geraci D. (2003) “Impatto tossicologico dell’1,3-dicloropropene nei terreni e nei vegetali”, Colture Protette, Anno XXXII (7):55-59.

  • G. Sciacca, A. Finocchiaro, S. Barbera, K. Fisicaro, M. Avitabile, G. Dell’Osso (2004) “La tipizzazione dell’acido desossiribonucleico (DNA) su tessuto umano fresco trattato con diversi fissativi. Risultati a confronto”. Medicina Legale, Atti del XX Congresso Nazionale dei Genetisti Forensi Italiani (Ge.F.I.), Bologna, 9 – 11 settembre 2004, pp. 226 – 227.

  • V.Mazzone, K. Fisicaro, G. Sciacca, S. Barbera, N. Barbera(2007) “Studio di differenti fissativi per l’ottimizzazione delle metodiche istomorfologiche e di biologia molecolare.” Biologi Italiani, Anno XXXVII – n.8 , Settembre 2007, pp. 33- 39.

  • Guido Romano, Francesca Indorato, Giorgio Spadaro, Salvatore Barbera, Nunziata Barbera. “Cocaine contamination in pubic hair: Analysis of the decontamination method”. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences (2014) 4, 129–136


   s.barbera@icb.cnr.it – salvatore.barbera@cnr.it

   (+39) 0957338352 – Cell. (+39) 3342244005 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Lisa Bissacco

Administrative assistant

Lisa Bissacco

Administrative assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

Born in Padua on 11/11/1974

1993: Diploma of Accountant and Programmer

1994: Administrative employee at SIP Italian Society for the Exercise of Telecommunications p.a.

1995: Fellow for administrative-accounting support activities, at the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of the Venezie, Padua office

1996: Assistant Accountant at the University of Padua, Department of Chemical Sciences, assigned by convention to the CNR Center for the Study of Biopolymers, which later became the Padua Support Organizational Unit of the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry

2005: Degree in Political Science – International Address (prior to the Ministerial Decree 509/99) at the University of Padua

2010: Level VI administrative collaborator resulting from mobility between Public Administration entities, at the Padua Secondary Office of the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry (former Center for the Study of Biopolymers) where he still carries out the function of Administrative Manager of the Secondary Office .

Since 1996 she has been involved in the administrative and accounting management of the office.

Skills Administrative management
Accounting management Publications




   lisa.bissacco@cnr.it – lisa.bissacco@unipd.it

   (+39) 049 8275249 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Davide Cannavina

Administrative assistant

Davide Cannavina

Administrative assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills Publications Contacts    MAIN RESEARCH SITE, POZZUOLI (NA)    dcannavina@icb.cnr.it View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Simone Canu

Technical assistant

Simone Canu

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills Publications Contacts






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ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Tito Carozza

Administrative Manager

Tito Carozza

Administrative Manager
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills Publications Contacts    MAIN RESEARCH SITE, POZZUOLI (NA)     tito.carozza@icb.cnr.it View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Lucio Caso

Technical assistant

Lucio Caso

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contact Biography

Degree in Food Technologies-L.26, at the University of Naples “Federico II” Faculty of Agriculture-Portici (NA).
Diploma of Industrial Technical Expert-Informatics Abacus at the “G. Marconi” Industrial Technical Institute located in Torre Annunziata (NA).
Period: 05/06/2015-30/11/2019 Project contract
Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry (ICB) – CNR; Via Campi Flegrei 34 – 80078 Pozzuoli (NA)
Technical support to scientific research activities for the following projects:
PON01_01966 ENERBIOCHEM” Identification of new natural compounds for food applications from marine microalgae.
PON 01_02740 SIBAFEQ “Integrated exploitation of algal biomass in a quality energy supply chain”.
FONTANA Project/ BIO-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- “Biological procedures for the conversion of carbon dioxide into chemical blocks”.
Research project funded by the European Union “Biological routes for CO2 conversion into chemical building blocks-BioRECO2VER, Grant Agreement n.760431”.
Period: 16/12/2019-31/12/2022
Italbiotec Consortium (Biotechnology)
Piazza della Trivulziana, 4/A – 20126 Milan (MI)
Operations Research Technician
Period: 01/06/2023 to date:
Permanent contract “CTER VI level” at the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry ICB- CNR, Pozzuoli -NA.

Skills  Culture techniques for thermophilic bacteria
Culture techniques for marine microorganisms (microalgae)
 Ceppoteca management
 Techniques of preparation and fractionation of extracts of natural organisms (H-RX)
 Expertise in the use of automatic instrumentation (Gilson SPE) for the fractionation of extracts of marine organisms
 TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) chromatographic techniques
 Use and Management of nuclear magnetic resonance instrumentation – (NMR)
 Use and Management of gas-mass instrumentation (GC-MS)
 Use and Management of gas chromatographs (GC)
 Use and Management of instrumentation (CHNS) for elemental analysis
Use and Management of liquid chromatography instrumentation (HPLC)
Use and management of mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and (Q-Exactiv) quadrupole orbitrap hybrid instrumentation Publications

– Esercizio, N.; Lanzilli, M.; Vastano, M.; Xu, Z.; Landi, S.; Caso, L.; Gallo, C.; Nuzzo, G.; Manzo, E.; Fontana, A.; et al. Improvement of CO2 and acetate coupling into lactic acid by genetic manipulation of the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga neapolitana. Microorganisms 2021, 9 .
-Giuseppina Tommonaro, Debora Paris, Giulia Guerriero, Fatima-Zahra Majdoubi, Gaetano Grieco,Carmine Iodice, Lucio Caso, Anouar Ouizgane, Aziz El Moujtahid, Sara El Ghizi , Meriem Bousseba,Mustapha Hasnaoui, Annalaura Iodice and Annabella Tramice.Fatty Acids in Waste Tissues: The Nutraceutical
Value of Gonads and Livers from the Moroccan Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Cyprinus carpio Fishes.Mar. Drugs 2023, 21, 188.
– Nuzzo, G.; Gallo, C.;Crocetta, F.; Romano, L.; Barra, G.;Senese, G.; dell’Isola, M.; Carbone, D.;Tanduo, V.; Albiani, F.;et al. Identification of the Marine Alkaloid Lepadin A As Potential Inducer of Immunogenic Cell Death. Biomolecules 2022, 12, 246.
– Gallo Carmela, Manzo Emiliano, Giusi Barra, Fioretto Laura, Ziaco Marcello, Nuzzo Genoveffa, d’Ippolito Giuliana, Ferrera Francesca, Contini Paola, Castiglia Daniela, Angelini Claudia, de Palma Raffaele, Fontana Angelo. Identification of Sulfavant A as the First Synthetic TREM2 Ligand Discloses a Homeostatic Response of Dendritic Cells After Receptor Engagement. Research Square, 2022.
– Fioretto Laura, Ziaco Marcello, Gallo Carmela, Nuzzo Genoveffa, d’Ippolito Giuliana, Lupetti Pietro, Paccagnini Eugenio, Gentile Mariangela, Della Greca Marina, Appavou Marie Sousai, Paduano Luigi, De Palma Raffaele, Fontana Angelo, Manzo Emiliano. Direct evidence of the impact of aqueous self-assembly on biological behavior of amphiphilic molecules: The case study of molecular immunomodulators Sulfavants. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021.




  (+39) 081 8675182

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Direttore ICB


Ricercatori e tecnologi


Tecnici e amministrativi

Emilio Paolo Castelluccio

Technical assistant

Emilio Paolo Castelluccio

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








  (+39) 081 8675314 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Francesco Castelluccio

Technical assistant

Francesco Castelluccio

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








   (+39) 081 8675175 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Roberto Nico Dallocchio

Technical assistant

Roberto Nico Dallocchio

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

Roberto Dallocchio, born in Sassari in 1962, carries out its activities as a technician in the National Research Council (CNR) since 1984

Diplomato in chemistry, in time has acquired a great experience in computer programming, and in management of computer networks.

He mainly deals with computational modeling of biomolecules. These calculations include the use of techniques of molecular mechanics, quantum chemistry, docking, virtual screening and molecular dynamics. His experience includes the following software: Sybyl, Autodock, Gaussian, Amber.

Has founded in 2001 the molecular modelling group of the ICB Institute of Sassari.

Is coauthor of numerous publications in international journals of chemistry / biology.

His computer experience led him to play different positions in the field of computer networks, such as the design of infrastructure networks of CNR in Sardinia, the management and programming of devices, such as routers, switches and firewalls (mainly Cisco devices)

Currently manages the Computing Center of the CNR Research Area of Sassari, where he specialized in the management of computing servers, virtualization, NAS storage, and application oriented to web (HTML, Javascript, PHP, etc.)

He gained experience in various programming languages, including C, C++, PHP, and in the programming world of relational databases (MSQL, MySQL and PosgreSQL)

Skills Docking
Molecular Dynamics
Virtual Screening
Anti HIV
Parallel computing Publications
  1. Early combination treatment with existing HIV antivirals: an effective treatment for COVID-19? Roberto Nico Dallocchio, Alessandro Dessì, Andrea De Vito, Giovanna Delogu, Pier Andrea Serra, Giordano Madeddu European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 2435, (2021) Doi : 10.26355/eurrev_202103_25285

  2. Enantioseparations of polyhalogenated 4,4′-bipyridines on polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases and molecular dynamics simulations of selector-selectand interactions Roberto Dallocchio, Barbara Sechi, Alessandro Dessì, Bezhan Chankvetadze, Sergio Cossu, Victor Mamane, Robin Weiss, Patrick Pale, Paola Peluso Electrophoresis (2021) Doi: 10.1002/elps.202100049

  3. Syk Inhibitors: New Computational Insights into Their Intraerythrocytic Action in Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Giuseppe Marchetti, Alessandro Dessì, Roberto Dallocchio, Ioannis Tsamesidis, Maria Carmina Pau, Francesco Michelangelo Turrini, Antonella Pantaleo International journal of molecular sciences, (2020) DOI: 10.3390/ijms21197009

  1. Halogen bond in high-performance liquid chromatography enantioseparations: description, features and modelling Dallocchio, R.; Dessì, A.; Solinas, M.; Arras, A.; Cossu, S.; Aubert, E.; Mamane, V.; Peluso, P. Journal of chromatography A (Online) (2018) Doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2018.05.061

  1. Virtual Screening and Biological Validation of Novel Influenza Virus PA Endonuclease Inhibitors Pala Nicolino; Stevaert Annelies; Dallocchio Roberto; Dessi Alessandro; Rogolino Dominga; Carcelli Mauro; Sanna Vanna; Sechi Mario; Naesens Lieve ACS medicinal chemistry letters (2015) DOI: 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.5b00109



  PEC: robertonico.dallocchio@pec.it

  (+39) 079 2841213

Orchid: 0000-0003-4626-4792 Scholar View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Ottavio De Luca

Technical assistant

Ottavio De Luca

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills Publications Contacts




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ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Alessandro Dessì

Technical assistant

Alessandro Dessì

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

Alessandro Dessì, is currently part of the calculation team, established from 2000 to date. The specialist knowledge involve molecular modeling, virtual screening, docking and molecular dynamics which support the various research groups belonging to the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, and different, national and international, research groups. He was involved in the generation and adaptation of graphical interfaces for the use of different processing programs.

In collaboration with a medicinal chemistry group, currently works on design of novel biologically active compounds as prototype drugs on HIV-1 Integrase field, we were performed several computational studies (conformational analyses and docking procedure) and drug discovery methods (Structure-based Drug design, 3D-Distance geometry, et al).

This computational approach was applied with the aim of helping in the all steps of the drug research: preliminary (structure-based drug design), on the drug optimization and of better interpreting the biological results.

Recently, we started with a new research interest focused on structure-based design and synthesis of novel compounds as Syk inhibitors with new scaffold.


  • Calculation models of biologically and pharmacologically active molecules
  • Design and simulation of biologically and pharmacologically active molecules
  • Analysis of the data calculated and pharmacological activities

Is coauthor of 70 articles on national and international peer-reviewed journals (H-Index 24)

Skills Structure-based drug design Computational chemistry Docking Virtual screening Molecular dynamics Publications

1) R. Dallocchio, A. Dessì, A. De Vito, G. Delogu, P. A. Serra, G. Madeddu, Early combination treatment with existing HIV antivirals: an effective treatment for COVID-19? European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 2021, 25 (5), 2435-2448, DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202103_25285

2) P. Peluso, A. Dessì, R. Dallocchio, B. Sechi, C. Gatti, B. Chankvetadze, V. Mamane, R. Weiss, P. Pale, E. Aubert, S. Cossu, Enantioseparation of 5,5’-dibromo-2,2’-dichloro-3-selanyl-4,4’-bipyridines on polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases: exploring chalcogen bonds in liquid-phase chromatography, Molecules, 2021, 26, 1, 221, DOI: 10.3390/molecules26010221

3) C. Gatti, A. Dessì, R. Dallocchio, V. Mamane, S. Cossu, R. Weiss, P. Pale, E. Aubert, P. Peluso, Factors impacting s- and p-Hole regions as reveled by the electrostatic potential and its source function reconstruction: the case of 4,4′-bipyridine derivatives, Molecules, 2020, 25, (19), 4409, DOI: 10.3390/molecules25194409

4) G. Marchetti, A. Dessì, R. Dallocchio, I. Tsamesidis, M. C. Pau, F. Turrini, A. Pantaleo, Syk inhibitors: new computational insights for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21 (19), 7009, DOI: 10.3390/ijms21197009

5) M.A. Dettori, D. Fabbri, A. Dessì, R. Dallocchio, P. Carta, C. Honisch, P. Ruzza, D. Farina, R. Migheli, P.A. Serra, R. A. Pantaleoni, X. Fois, G. Rocchitta, G. Delogu, Synthesis and studies of the inhibitory effect of hydroxylated phenylpropanoids and biphenols derivatives on tyrosinase and laccase enzymes, Molecules, 2020, 25, (11), 2709, DOI: 10.3390/molecules25112709

Contacts    RESEARCH SITE OF SASSARI    alessandro.dessi@cnr.it    PEC: dessi.ale@pec.it    (+39) 079 2841214 – Cell. (+39) 3336139855 Skipe: dessi.ale Google Scholar: pqzGOuwAAAAJ&hl=it Orcid: ID 0000-0001-8258-7332 Research Gate: Alessandro_Dessi2 Scopus Author ID: 6603929633 Researcher ID: B-8021-2015 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Salvatore Donadio

Technical assistant

Salvatore Donadio

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








  (+39) 081 8675019 MoSeF Stormodb View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Alessandro Esposito

Technical assistant

Alessandro Esposito

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








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ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Angela Fiengo

Administrative assistant

Angela Fiengo

Administrative assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

I was born in Torre del Greco (NA) on 21/04/1977 and after graduating in Economics and Commerce, I obtained the qualification to practice as a Chartered Accountant and Auditor. After working in an accountancy firm and in Wind Telecomunicazioni Spa, I joined the CNR – ICB headquarters in Pozzuoli (NA) in October 2016 following a public competition.

I currently hold the role of administrative assistant at the CNR ICB headquarters in Pozzuoli (NA) with the following duties: Management of unstructured staff compensation under the Institute. Monitoring, renewals and activation of research grants and internships;

Support for the reporting of funded projects;

Economic Fund Management and Reimbursement of Expenses;

Management of Variations to the Pdg between items of expenditure.









   PEC: angela.fiengo@pec.it

  (+39) 081 867 5315 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Tunia Fioriello

Technical assistant

Tunia Fioriello

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

Degree in Computer Engineering with specialization in Automation and Industrial Automation Systems.

Second Level Master in “Software Technologies”.

Mater for .NET Microsoft MCP, MCTS Web Application and MCPD Web Developer Certifications.









   (+39) 081 8675353 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Maria Giglio

Administrative assistant

Maria Giglio

Administrative assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








   (+39) 079 2841201 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Antonio Greco

Technical assistant

Antonio Greco

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contact Biography

Antonio Greco obtained a scientific high school diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications in 1995 followed by the professional qualification of “Web Developer” in 2007.

Since 2012 he has been an employee of the CNR, working at the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, branch of Catania, where he has mainly been involeved to the design and graphical creation of brochures, posters, catalogs, leaflets, posters, roll-ups. Antonio has also been the referent in the structural and graphical design of web pages to support conferences, courses, research projects, publications and magazines acitivities whose aim to give visibility of the institute itself as well as the dissemination and advertising of events and activities developed among the four Institute’s branch. He has been responsible for the design, implementation and continuous updating of the website dedicated to the ICB branch of Catania and He is currently the referent in the ongoing renovation project of the single site of the Institute www.icb.cnr.it.

Moreover, at Catania’s brach, he lends support to the administrative activity by dealing with the management of the protocol activity; the administrative procedures for the disposal of special waste, the preparation of their related internal management regulations, the updating of the “loading and unloading” registers and the predisposition of its annual MUD report. Finally, he is the person in charge for the inventory as well as a treasurer of the financial fund of Catania’s branch; and he is also an instructor point for MEPA orders and technical assistant to the RUP in the preparation of purchases for the institute.

Skills Graphic design
Economic fund
Disposal special waste Publications Contact    RESEARCH SITE OF CATANIA

   antonio.greco@icb.cnr.it – antonio.greco@cnr.it

   (+39) 095 7338351

Orcid: 0000-0002-6524-4327 ICB View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Carmine Iodice

Technical assistant

Carmine Iodice

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills Publications Contacts   MAIN RESEARCH SITE, POZZUOLI (NA)    ciodice@icb.cnr.it   (+39) 081 8675184 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Luigi Leone

Technical assistant

Luigi Leone

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

Qualified Laboratory technician at the “Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale (ITIS)” of Pozzuoli (NA) Italy

October 2002 – October 2003 Technician in the Microbiology Laboratory of the “Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare (ICB) – National Research Council (CNR)”, Pozzuoli (NA) – Italy, directed by Dott.ssa B. Nicolaus

January 2004 – April 2009 Project contract as a technician in the Neurobiology of Development Laboratory of the “Istituto di Genetica e Biofisica A. Buzzati Traverso (IGB-ABT) – National Research Council (CNR)”, Naples – Italy, directed by Dott. U. di Porzio

May 2009 – August 2010 Project contract as a technician in the facility core of the “Istituto di Genetica e Biofisica A. Buzzati Traverso (IGB-ABT) – National Research Council (CNR)”, Naples – Italy, directed by Dott. A. Baldini

September 2010 – March 2012 Permanent contract “C.T.E.R. VI level” at “Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare (ICB) – National Research Council (CNR)”, Catania – Italy directed by Dott. G. Nicolosi

April 2012 – June 2013 Technician in the Department of Molecular and Human Genetics del Baylor College of Medicine di Houston – Texas, directed by Dott. J. Botas

June 2013 – present Permanent contract “C.T.E.R. VI level” at “Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare (ICB) – National Research Council (CNR)”, Pozzuoli (NA) – ItalyShort introduction (Biografia) max 200 parole

Skills Genome analysis
Gene expression analysis
Nucleic acid electrophoresis
Microbial Culturing Techniques
Handling and use of animal model Publications

Volpicelli F., Caiazzo M., Greco D., Consales C., Leone L., Perrone Capano C., Colucci D’Amato L. and di Porzio U. Bdnf gene is a downstream target of Nurr1 transcription factor in rat midbrain neurons in vitro. J Neurochem. 2007 Jul;102(2):441-53. Epub 2007 May 1

Consales C., Volpicelli F., Greco D., Leone L., Colucci-D’Amato L., Perrone-Capano C. and di Porzio U. GDNF signaling in embryonic midbrain neurons in vitro. Brain Res. 2007 Jul 23;1159:28-39. Epub 2007 May 5.

Costa V., Angelini C., D’Apice L., Mutarelli M., Casamassimi A., Sommese L., Gallo M.A., Aprile M., Esposito R., Leone L., Donizetti A., Crispi S., Rienzo M., Sarubbi B., Calabrò R., Picardi M., Salvatore P., Infante T., De Berardinis P., Napoli C., Ciccodicola A. Massive-scale RNA-Seq analysis of non ribosomal transcriptome in human trisomy 21. PLoS One. 2011 Apr 20;6(4):e18493.

Finore I., Orlando P., Di Donato P., Leone L., Nicolaus B., Poli A. Nesterenkonia aurantiaca, sp. nov., an alkaliphilic actinobacterium isolated from Cape King (Antarctica). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2016 66: 1554-1560, doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.000917

Bouché V., Espinosa A.P., Leone L., Sardiello M., Ballabio A., Botas J. Drosophila Mitf regulates the V-ATPase and the lysosomal-autophagic pathway. Autophagy. 2016;12(3):484-98. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1134081



   PEC: luigi.leone79@pec.it

  (+39) 0818675190

Skype: luigi.leone79 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Daniela Matto

Administrative assistant

Daniela Matto

Administrative assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








   (+39) 081 8675026 – 081 8661444 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Francesco Mugheddu

Technical assistant

Francesco Mugheddu

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contact Biography

Mugheddu Francesco, born in Catania on 03/10/1986
Master’s Degree in Organic and Biorganic Chemistry (University of Catania_110/110 laude)
Experimental Thesis Work: Molecular design, synthesis and characterization of molecules active towards the MCF7 cell line (breast cancer)

Skills   Laboratory Management (Chemical/Physical-Chemical and Microbiological analyses
 Spectrophotometric analyses
Determination of gluten in food supplements
Use of HPLC, UV-VIS for analyses
Quality Assurance support
Drafting and revision of SOPs
Environmental Monitoring
Chemical and Microbiological analyses
LAL test on sterile drugs, WFI and PW
Bacterial Endotoxin research (Instrumental)
Bacterial Identification (VITEK)
Preparation of standard solutions
Assessment of “Bacteriostatic action” of Glycilcyclinic antibiotics
Review of analytical documentation Publications Contact



  (+39) 095 7338338

View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Francesco Rassu

Administrative assistant

Francesco Rassu

Administrative assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








  (+39) 079 2841202 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Maria Cristina Giuseppina Porcu

Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

Graduated in Biological Sciences in 1992 at the University of Cagliari with the thesis “Covalent immobilization of a commercial catalase”. From 1993 to 1996, she carried out research activities at the Institute of Biological Chemistry of the same university dealing with the purification, immobilization, and study of enzymes.
From 1996 to 1998, she was a researcher at AILUN in Nuoro, where she worked on the realization of an optoelectronic system for the control of wine maturation. In 2000, with funding from MURST, she collaborated on the project “Study of the intensive use of processing plants for seasonal agricultural products,” carried out at agricultural product processing industries in Sardinia and Alentejo (Portugal) and coordinated by the University of Cagliari.
From 2001 to 2010, at Porto Conte Ricerche (Alghero, SS), she collaborated in several research and technology transfer programs on food stabilization and extraction of molecules of interest from plants and agricultural waste, using innovative “green” technologies. In 2007, with funding from the Region of Sardinia, she spent six months at the Cartif Foundation (Valladolid, Spain), working on the extraction of bioactive ingredients from agroindustrial waste using supercritical carbon dioxide.
Since June 2010 she has been working at the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, initially as a technical assistant and then, since July 2022, as a researcher.

Skills Recovery of bioactive molecules from agri-food wastes
Antioxidant activity in vegetable extracts
Food shelf life and oxidation resistance
TFood technologies Publications
  1. Relationship among EPR oxidative stability and spectrophotometric parameters connected to antioxidant activity in beer samples M.C. Porcu, A. Fadda, D. Sanna European Food Research and Technology, 250, 2024, 2123–2132 DOI: 10.1007/s00217-024-04525-9
  2. Pilot plant production of craft fruit beer using Ohmic‐treated fruit puree M. Fanari, M. Forteschi, M. Sanna, P.P. Piu, M.C. Porcu, G. D’Hallewin, N. Secchi, M. Zinellu, L. Pretti Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 44 (2), 2020, 44:e14339 DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.14339  
  3. Quality assessment of Cascade Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) grown in Sardinia M. Forteschi, M.C. Porcu, M. Fanari, M. Zinellu, N. Secchi, S. Buiatti, P. Passaghe, S. Bertoli, L. Pretti European Food Research and Technology, 245 (4), 2019, 863–871 DOI: 10.1007/s00217-018-3215-0
  4. Comparison of enzymatic and precipitation treatments for gluten-free craft beers production M. Fanari, M. Forteschi, M. Sanna, M. Zinellu, M.C. Porcu, L. Pretti Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 49, 2018, 76-81 DOI: 10.1016/j.ifset.2018.07.017
  5. Antioxidant activity of supercritical carbon dioxide extracts of Salvia desoleana on two human endothelial cell models A.M Posadino, M.C. Porcu, B. Marongiu, A. Cossu, A. Piras, S. Porcedda, D. Falconieri, R. Cappuccinelli, G. Biosa, G. Pintus, L. Pretti Food Research International, 46, 2012, 354–359 DOI: 10.1016/J.FOODRES.2011.12.019



   (+39) 079 2841217

ORCID: 0000-0002-3047-9521

Researcher-id B-8490-2018

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ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Francesco Rattu


Francesco Rattu

Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








  (+39) View curriculum image

ICB Director


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Technical and administrative

Agatino Renda

Technical assistant

Agatino Renda

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








   agatino.renda@icb.cnr.it; agatino.renda@cnr.it

   (+39) 0792841240

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ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Massimo Rendina

Technical assistant

Massimo Rendina

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








   (+39) 081 8675356 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Desiderata Ricciardi

Technical assistant

Desiderata Ricciardi

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills








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ICB Director


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Ida Romano

Technical assistant

Ida Romano

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

Born on 26th  September 1960 in Napoli  (Italy) 1983-2019  permanent position as technician at the Biomolecular Chemistry Institute of the National Research Council Graduated in Biological Science, University Federico II of Napoli

Isolation and characterization of new species extremophilic microorganisms; production of biomolecules and biotechnological applications; bio-cleaning of the cultural heritage ; antibacterial activity.

Skills Extremophilic bacteria
Anaerobic thermophiles
Biocleaning cultural heritage
Antibacterial activity Publications
  • Ida Romano, Giuseppe Granata, Annarita Poli, Ilaria Finore, Edoardo Napoli, Corrada Geraci. Inhibition of bacterial growth on marble stone of 18th century by treatmentof nanoencapsulated essential oils. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. Volume 148, March 2020, 104909
  • Ida Romano, Annalisa De Angelis, Annarita Poli, Pietro Ragni, Laura Lilla, Gianluigi Zito, Barbara Nicolaus, Anna Chiara De Luca, Paola Di Donato Resistance and Raman spectroscopy analysis of Parageobacillus thermantarcticus spores after γ‑ray exposureExtremophiles (2018) 22:931–941 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00792-018-1049-0
  • Ida Romano, Mario Abbate, Annarita Poli & Loredana D’OrazioBio-cleaning of nitrate salt efflorescence on stone samples using extremophilic bacteriaScientific Reports | (2019) 9:1668 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-38187-x
  • Romano I, Dipasquale L, Orlando P, Lama L, d’Ippolito G, Pascual J, Gambacorta AThermoanaerobacterium thermostercoris sp. nov., a new anaerobic thermophilic hydrogen-production bacterium from buffalo-dung Extremophiles. 2010 Mar;14(2):233-40.
  • Romano I, Orlando P, Gambacorta A, Nicolaus B, Dipasquale L, Pascual J, Giordano A, Lama L. Salinivibrio sharmensis sp. nov., a novel haloalkaliphilic bacterium from a saline lake in Ras Mohammed Park (Egypt). Extremophiles 2011 Mar;15(2):213-20.


   (+39) 0818675192

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7203-9869 View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


Technical and administrative

Barbara Sechi

Technical assistant

Barbara Sechi

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography

The year following her hight school graduation  she won a scholarship to the National Research Council in the field of  ‘Synthesis, instrumental analysis and spectroscopy of organic compounds’. Since 1994 she has been an employee of the National Research Council at the Institute for the Applications of Advanced Chemical Techniques to Agrobiological Problems, current ICB_SS, as a technical collaborator.

In the first 24 years of activity she has dealt with Organic Synthesis in particular  oxo-synthesis accompanied by the analysis of products obtained, using techniques such as NMR; GC_GC / MS.

As head of the mass-interfaced gas chromatography department, she was responsible for the phytochemical characterization of Sardinian endemic plants.

Notable and never secondary didactic activity for the students of the high schools of the Province (SS) and Macomer (NU) who followed one another in the institute, interested in the good practices of an Organic Chemistry laboratory.

From September 2018 to September 2019 she carried out his activity at the Institute of Molecular Recognition _CNR Milan, included in the Biocatalysis and Biorefineries project dealing with enzymatic catalysis with reactions promoted by aminotransferases and deconstruction of biomass with Organosolv reaction, in order to produce lignin and sugars with subsequent HPLC analysis using UV / VIS and fluorescence detectors.

 Since January 2020 she is a member of the research group of Chiral Chromatography and Recognition molecular structure of the ICB_SS ,her activity takes place  in the field of liquid chromatography, in particular in enantiomeric separation using chiral stationary phases based on polysaccharide.

Skills HPLC enantioseparation
Polysaccahride_based chiral
Organic Synthesis
Protocol NREL
TP Publications
  1. Enantioseparation of 5,5′-Dibromo-2,2′-Dichloro-3-Selanyl-4,4′-Bipyridines on Polysaccharide-Based Chiral Stationary Phases: Exploring Chalcogen Bonds in Liquid-Phase ChromatographyMolecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2021, 26(1) Autori: Peluso, P.Dessì, A.Dallocchio, R., …Aubert, E.Cossu, S.

  2. Discovery and Characterization of a Novel Thermostable β-Amino Acid Transaminase from a Meiothermus Strain Isolated in an Icelandic Hot Spring-, Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 15(11), 2000125, Autori: Ferrandi, E.E.Bassanini, I.Sechi, B., …Peng, X.Monti, D.

  3. Osmium complexes in catalysis of olefin hydrogenation and isomerizationCuihua Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016, 37(11), pp. 1824–1836. Autori: Chelucci, G.Pinna, G.A.Pinna, G.Solinas, M.Sechi, B.

  1. Rosmarinus officinalis L.: Chemical Modifications of the Essential oil and Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity” Natural Product Communications 4 (2009) 1685-1690 Autori: Giorgio Pintore, Mauro Marchetti, Mario Chessa, Barbara Sechi, Nadia Scanu, Giuseppe Mangano, Bruno Tirillini

  2. Enantioselective hydroformylation of vinyl-aromatics using a rhodium complex with the (1 R,2 R,4R) -2-(2-diphenylphosphinyl-1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-y1) pyridine. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 1997, 122(2-3), pp. 111–114 Autori: Chelucci, G.Marchetti, M.Sechi, B.


   barbara.sechi@icb.cnr.it – barbara.sechi@cnr.it

   (+39) 0792841259

Scopus Author ID: 7801352896

ORCID: 0000-0001-5675-4731 View curriculum image

ICB Director


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Technical and administrative

Tonia Strano

Technical assistant

Tonia Strano

Technical assistant
Biography Skills Publications Contact Biography

Tonia Strano, obtained a scientific high school diploma “Industrial Technician with Specialization in Chemistry” in 2004, with a score of 100/100. Since 2005 she has been an employee of the CNR, working at the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, branch of Catania, where she covers the role of Laboratory Technician mainly involved on the study of natural compounds and their chromatographic analysis. In this context, she has gained experience in the study of natural compounds, sample preparation, extraction, purification and chromatographic analysis (through FID, MS). Tonia is co-author in several scientific papers published on international journals.

Moreover, she covers several official assignments for the branch of Catania, which are listed below:

  • Security officer, Since 2012 to date

  • Assigned as Head for the management and disposal of Special and Hazardous Wastes, Since 2013 to date

  • Assigned as Accident Register Manager – Since 2013 to date

  • Assigned to “processing of personal data to the activities and compliances regarding: General Regulation on data protection EU 2016/679″, Since 2019 to date

  • Appointment to the official register IT Protocol Service and Document Flow Management of the AOO – Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry – from 2020 to date

  • Appointment as a member of the Commission for the recognition and updating of the ICB’s Inventory assets – Branch of Catania – Since 2021 to date

Skills Chemical composition Natural Compounds Essential oil chemical characterization/composition Publications
  • C.Pannitteri,A.Continella,L.Lo Cicero,A.Gentile,S.La Malfa, E.Sperlinga, E.M.Napoli, T.Strano, G.Ruberto, L.Siracusa(2017) Influence of postharvest treatments on qualitative and chemical parameters of Tarocco blood orange fruits to be used for fresh chilled juice. Food Chemistry, (2017) Vol. 230, p. 441-447

  • Anil Kumar Saikia, Sanjib Kumar Sarma, Tonia Strano & Giuseppe Ruberto (2015) Essential Oil from Piper pedicellatum C. DC. Collected in North-East India, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, (2015) 18:2, 314-319

  • Maria C. Strano, Mariarosaria Calandra, Viviana Aloisi, Paolo Rapisarda, Tonia Strano, Giuseppe Ruberto; Hot water dipping treatments on Tarocco orange fruit and their effects on peel essential oil; Postharvest Biology and Technology 94 (2014) 26–39

  • Strano, T.; Ruberto, G.; Patanè, C.; La Rosa, S. Qualitative analysis of volatile compounds in local landraces of tomato cultivated in South Italy. Acta Horticult. 2011, 918, 517-523

  • Argento, S.; Branca, F.; Siracusa, L.; Strano, T.; Napoli, E.M.; Ruberto, G. Re-evaluation of saffron floral wastes: analysis of saffron flowers defatted hydro-alcoholic extracts. Acta Horticult. 2010, 850, 251-259.

Contact    RESEARCH SITE OF CATANIA    tonia.strano@icb.cnr.it – tonia.strano@cnr.it    (+39) 095 7338326 – Lab. (+39) 0957338371 View curriculum image

ICB Director


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Samuele Volo


Samuele Volo

Biography Skills Publications Contacts Biography Skills Publications Contacts   RESEARCH SITE OF CATANIA   samuele.volo@cnr.it   (+39) View curriculum image

ICB Director


Researchers and technologists


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Maurizio Zampa

Technical assistant

Maurizio Zampa

Technical assistant
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   (+39) 081 8675347 View curriculum image

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