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TransparentTransparent Administration

The section 'Transparent Administration' - is organized in accordance with the provisions of D.lgs 14 marzo 2013 n. 33 - 'Reorganization of the regulations concerning the obligations for publicity, transparency and dissemination of information by public administrations'- is currently being updated following the provisions of D.lgs. 25 maggio 2016 n. 97 (GU Serie Generale n. 132 del 08/06/2016).

The Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency Office of the CNR - Art.1, paragraph 7, of law n.190/2012 and of article 43, paragraph 1, of legislative decree n. 33/2013, as amended by Legislative Decree 25 May 2016, n. 97 is Dr. Andrea Viticoli appointed with  Provvedimento n. 74/2022.

Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry

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